Friday, September 25, 2009

Public Transport

In a word, the public transport in Switzerland is stunning. If you have never been to a country with out a good public transport network then you really don't know what you are missing out on. It's simply incredible.

In New Zealand, the bus and train timetables are really only suggestions. Most buses are usually about five minutes late, sometimes early, and sometimes they don't stop for you at all. On top of that they seems to be fairly infrequent and have a nasty habit of catching fire.

In Switzerland however, they have buses and trains everywhere, always leaving to where ever you want to go in the next five minutes, and always on time, to the exact minute. Its simply beautiful. And the routes are direct, the lines are quick and the seats are comfortable, what more could you ask for?

There is one drawback however, the price. Like everything in Switzerland, with quality comes with a fairly hefty price tag, but when it only takes a matter of minutes to get from home to class, its well worth it.

This excellent public transport network isn't just limited to the cities either. The Swiss have a service known as the PostAuto, which, as legend has it, started out as the local postman giving
lifts to lost and weary hikers. Over time this postman realized there was actually some decent coin to be made collecting these waylaid wanders and the PostAuto service was born. I'm not sure if they still deliver mail these days, but large couch style buses ply their trade along the mountain passes and hiking trails offering a lift to any tired trampers who need a ride back to town. And just like the rest of the public transport here, its always on time.


  1. Imagine how much better again it would be were it privatised! ;)

  2. Yeah, but getting that to pass through Swiss government would take eons :)
